Special Thanks to WxWorx for sponsoring my trip by providing live onboard XM weather
Click HERE to track me using Air Traffic Control
Click my airplane for a larger view of my internal GPS tracker

Click HERE to see my detailed Itinerary (updated 6/28/09)


SEE my Final Route Map for the stats

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Flying to NH on Sunday

This will probably be my last cross country flight before the big
trip. There are now less than 30 days to go before I set off to fly
the United States on a wing and a prayer. Well, two wings and the FSM
actually. On Sunday, I'm meeting up with the Northeast Pilot's group
at Parlin field in NH for a Tres de Mayo party at the L'il Red Baron.
Track me live on the blog page. As the days count down, I'm getting
more and more excited about becoming a flying nomad. Sometimes, you
get sick of looking at the same four walls, no matter how pretty they
may be. I am happiest at 5000 feet or visiting with friends and I get to do
both on this trip.

For those whom I am stopping in to visit, I will be spending time on
the itinerary and will let you know when I'm coming through town. If
you'd like to be on the itinerary, drop me a line and I'll add a stop!

Two more weeks of teaching. Two weeks of prep while the airplane is in
for its annual inspection. Takeoff on June 1st. Return on August 1st.

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